Self Check: New Year's Resolutions in June

Raise your hand if you made any new year's resolutions. *Raises hand* Okay. Now raise your hand if you are still accomplishing those goals! *Raises hand, while mumbling "sort of"* What's that? You're not totally in the program, are you?

In January, I was so excited about exercising at least three times a week. Now, I'm exercising six times a week, consistently. I feel like I'm a really fit person now, and I'm in shape for the summer! I can just keep cruising with this one.

Unfortunately, my other goal, reading classics (1 per month to be exact) totally went by the wayside. I don't have any valid excuses, either. Everyone can fit in time for reading. Yes, before bed works. Don't tell me that that magazine or iPad is mandatory for your before-bed routine! It's just an excuse. Well, I can revive this one during the summer. I did successfully get through Jane Eyre and Wuthering Heights. Yep, I was supposed to be working on my sixth classic book this month, and instead I'll be starting my third. Better late than never, right? I heard a woman on the radio last week mention that she had a goal of reading some classics this summer. Then she said that she knew she wasn't really going to follow through with that goal. Why do we do this to ourselves? Goals that we set don't have to be unattainable ideals. They can be dreams that become reality.

Here's to more exercising and the start of a new classic this month! Any suggestions? *Raises glass of lemonade*


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