Day 31: Self-Portrait & Final Thoughts – 31 Day Blog Challenge

So this is supposed to be my final thoughts of this blog challenge, so I guess I'll be posting this last. Anyhow, it's been fun. A lot of times, I had no idea what I was going to write, but I have a lot more to say than I know myself. Sometimes you just have to go out on a limb and try stuff, you know? Go outside of your comfort zone. I guess I've learned a lot about myself through this exercise. The innermost wishes of my heart are obviously to get married and have a big family someday, but what about now? What about today? You know, like in the song? Today can be special too. Today is part of my calling, and yours too. Don't live your life waiting for tomorrow. I spend too much time thinking about the future but before I know it now will be gone and the future will be here. I'll miss my carefree college days. I'll miss being single (maybe). But whatever I'm doing, it'll be good and right because God willed it.



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