Day 6: Your Last Random Act of Kindness – 31 Day Blog Challenge

I don't really remember the last random act of kindness I performed, because I don't usually do things randomly. I help people out because I thought about it first and then did it. So I went to coffee with my mom last week and I paid for her coffee. I helped my little sister with a computer game she was playing. Stuff like that. Nothing too significant or big. Just things that I premeditated and then carried out. I think that someone was helping me out when they were cleaning out the cat litter when it was my turn. Thanks to whoever that was. During Lent, my mom likes us to do random acts of kindness for each other. I think it's a nice idea anytime of the year. Really, maybe I just need to be more spontaneous and of-the-moment, on a whim and all that. I just need to live a little, let things flow. Notice people in need and jump in to help without wondering if I have time or the resources. You have to be logical and realistic, but maybe I think about things too much. Actually, I know I do. I am one of those type-A people who plan everything like a month in advance and a little hitch in the plans upsets my day more than just a little bit. I have friends that are flexible and they have a much easier time of it, and they also get more out of life, I think.


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