My Lenten Plan

For Lent this year, I'm going to give up Facebook. It's going to be hard, but I really like Facebook, so it'll be a good sacrifice. For some people, having the thing that you gave up on Sundays makes the rest of the time harder; however, I'll be just giving it up for the whole forty days. I won't be getting on again until Easter. For my profile picture, I'm doing that pro-life one going around the night before Ash Wednesday.

For my extra thing, I'm going to be reading the New Testament in the Bible. I don't know if I'll get all the way through it reading a chapter a day, but I should.

Try to listen to at least an hour of Christian/Catholic artists a day in place of secular tunes. Some good artists include The Thirsting, Donna Cori Gibson, Eric Genuis, Christian radio stations like K-LOVE, and Ike Ndolo.

Try to get to confession at least once this Lenten season. Your soul and Jesus will thank you for it.

Remember that Easter will come quickly and all your sacrifices will make the upcoming joyous Easter season all the more joyous! Have a good Lent everyone. I will be posting religious entries throughout Lent.


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