Why I Was Born

Today I watched October Baby. Movie review coming soon. In the meantime, the movie stirred up deep emotions in me and thoughts never before entered into.

We are all here on this earth for a purpose. We were each given a mission by God that no one else could do just like us. That means that I was born for a certain reason, and created for a specific purpose.

It is my firm belief that my vocation in life is marriage. I have no boyfriend, but somewhere out there is someone who is not perfect, but whom is perfect for me. Likewise, I am far from perfect. I always work to improve myself, but I will never be perfect. My future spouse doubtless has many flaws, as I have many.

I think about what my vocation means for my future. About the sort of work cut out for me. Marriage means dedication and faithfulness to your husband, but also to your children. I understand that none of those jobs are easy and sometimes unpleasant. However, with the doing of those jobs which fulfill one's vocation, one can be as happy as possible on this earth.

I wait for the day that God chooses to lead me to the one I am meant for. Perhaps He already has and I just don't know it yet. I don't know whether or not I yet know my future spouse. What I do know is that he is out there somewhere, and I will wait until he finds me. Then I, the found, will love him with all of my heart and soul.

Until that glorious day, I will wait, watch, and pray. I will continue to go to college and become as smart as possible (after all, I might want to home school my kids someday!) I will improve myself, learning how to cook well and to clean even better.

Ponder your purpose in life. It's out there. Go get it.


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