What I've Learned About How to Succeed in College

I've been going to community college for awhile now, and I just thought I'd put down a few points here. My English teacher would faint if he knew I was using bullet points, but it works for this format.

  • When you're taking math, you have to work on it six days a week. You need to keep your brain refreshed on concepts which are not natural to calculate, such as algebra. Make Saturday your break day. You need to work on it on Sunday so that on Monday, when you return to class, you are all ready to tackle the new material to build on what you did over the weekend.
  • In English, start working on any papers or assignments the weekend before they are due, at the latest. This principle has served me well, and I have never turned anything in late.
  • Take notes. Whenever the teacher sees fit to put something on the board or on PowerPoint, it is probably crucial, so write it down. 
  • Use a pencil to take tests. Make sure it has a good eraser.
  • Even if you're bored in class, pay attention and read the book to follow along with what the presentation is. I know that in my IT 100 class, two girls got really bored and went on the internet during class. They got Cs. Don't do what they did.
  • If something is super hard for you, stick with it. Accounting was so hard for me, but I stuck with it and persevered. I had to ask the teacher lots of questions and spend hours on my homework, but I came out at the end with an A. Do all the extra credit if you need extra help with grades.
  • If you don't agree with what the teacher is saying, raise your hand and gently but confidently give your view. I had a teacher compliment me on opposing him in class because he said it was good for the students to see that kind of interaction. Who knew?
  • If you don't agree with the material, just deal with it. Try to ignore what you dislike and move on. They aren't going to change the class just because you don't like it. They don't care.


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