Movie Review: The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey

I watched this movie in theaters and I was impressed. Personally, I thought that there was a bit too much violence, but it was PG-13 for a reason. It is a prequel to the Lord of the Rings. Bilbo Baggins is trying to reclaim the lost Dwarf Kingdom. Funny thing is, Bilbo is not at all the sort of hobbit that would stir outside of his hobbit-hole. He is quite content to sit before the fire and comfortably eat a great deal. If you like action, fantasy, and unlikely situations, then this movie will appeal to you.

How would you feel if one night, a bunch of dwarfs showed up on your doorstep and literally ate you out of house and home?

Of course, Gandalf is in here, and he is as spectacular as ever.

Remember this creepy creature? "Precious!"

This is the main dwarf. He has some dark pasts, regrets, and grudges to hold. Watch out for him.

Did you know that these even existed?

Watch this movie, and wait for the next two installments. Patience is a virtue.

Source: Girls' Life Magazine December/January 2013 Issue.


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