Improve Your Life: Don't Over-Post

Don't post 10 different status updates in less than thirty minutes. You have to pace yourself.

People will get annoyed if you keep blasting their Facebook News Feed with constant pictures, words, and illustrations. I have been guilty of this. I see interesting posts, I have a fast internet connection, and faster than you can say "over-posting", my poor friends are bombarded with way too much content.

I liken this phenomena to an overzealous grandmother or aunt. They simply must show you all of the pictures of their grandson or niece. They pull out their wallet and begin to show you twenty pictures within the space of ten minutes. Pretty soon, your eyes are tired and so is your tongue from saying "how cute" and "just adorable" twenty times over.

It's kind of like etiquette for online use. You know how you feel when someone has played a game or has gone on a mad sort of posting spree. You sigh, roll your eyes, and keep scrolling. It doesn't have to be like this. Be polite and don't over-post.

Source for first line: Girls' Life Magazine December/January 2013 Issue.


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