New Year's Resolutions

I've been thinking on my new year's resolutions, seeing as it's almost 2013 and all. Seeing as the world didn't end on December 21st and all. As you can see in the picture above, two women are exercising. I'd like to become more fit this year. When I was in a musical recently, I lost some weight. I don't want to gain all that back, if I haven't already. In fact, I'd like to become more trim and slim. I'm not overweight, but I'd like that fit, healthy look. However, to achieve that, I need a specific plan. I do go to dances once or twice a month, but that isn't enough. So how often should you exercise? Well, I did some research. Cardio exercise can be done three to five times a week for twenty to sixty minutes. I read that you should give yourself at least one full day off from your routine. Also, don't forget to stretch! My information came from this link. So my exercise schedule could look something like this:

Monday 20 min.
Wednesday 30 min.
Friday 60 min. (or longer, depending on if I go to a dance)

There are lots of workout DVDs available at the local library or just in your own personal collection. Also, sometimes I like to go to Zumba workouts. They cost four dollars, but they do provide an hour of heavy cardio workout.

I'd also like to work on reading the classics. My first on the list is Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte. 
I think that one classic a month would be a good goal. I'll keep you all updated on which one I choose, and you just might get a review, too!


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