My Body, My Choice

I know that I'm probably going to get a lot of criticism, judgment, and disapproval for writing this. I still think it needs to be said. Anybody who knows me well knows that I'm pro-life. I believe in the dignity of human life from conception until natural death. I believe that all people have the right to live. I have noticed a very disturbing trend since COVID-19 became known as a threat to the U.S. People are politically and religiously divided on whether or not this unpredictable virus is dangerous. Someone even told me that "God would take care of us" if we decide to go to a public place with people all around. Certainly God does take care of us. We are also not to put God to the test while being irresponsible. Jesus made this pretty clear when Satan told the Son of God to jump off a cliff. Jesus said that we are not to put the Lord our God to the test. A medical professional told me that she would only wear a mask to a public indoor gathe...