Passionate Rain

PASSIONATE RAIN By Stephanie Schell Jesus sweats blood It comes down like rain He feels such pain As He carries the cross More rain pours down Almost makes Him drown When Jesus was arrested His captors came Their shame was his shame Peter denied Jesus Rain fell on the man Who just ran The High Priests stoned the King His blood poured out Like rain from a spout He did not complain His grace always came; It fell down like rain Simon comes and goes He helps Jesus then he knows His sins are washed away white as snow Darkness comes over the land, The rain pours down; Is God still around? Mary weeps and weeps for Him Her tears like rain His presence brings a holy peace He’s dying for all so they can see What can truly be! His crucifixion Cruel and cold His love is gold The cross is raised He shouts in pain His blood like rain His last breath goes His life is gone Just like a song Je...