When Your Faith is Tested

+ J.M.J. I really feel called to share my experience with this with you. Not because I feel like it, but because I think it will help both you and I if I get it out in the open. So...here's the thing. My faith has been very tested lately. I realized something. I was angry at God. Is He really who I should be angry at though? I've been thinking a lot about it, and I decided that no, that is not the right approach. See, God can see the big picture. He's my Father, and I'm his child. I don't always see that something isn't good for me. Maybe the thing isn't bad, but maybe it isn't what, in the whole scheme of my life, will help me to best live out my calling. You see, I've been blaming God for a lot of things. I've been blaming Him for the death of loved ones, for other people's suffering, for the loss of boyfriends, and every bad thing that happened to me. Sometimes this blame was subconscious, sometimes it was int...