Hating People and Why That's Bad

+ J.M.J. So. This post is really hard for me to write. It's hard for me to admit to you that I have hated people before. Forgiveness is something that I struggle with, especially when the person doesn't apologize. I struggle to forgive when the person doesn't even think that he or she did something bad. I struggle to forgive when that person is walking around somewhere, perfectly oblivious to the fact that I am letting him or her make me miserable. It sounds crazy, right? To let someone have that kind of power over you? In a way, it is. Christ asked me to forgive, and sometimes I hang on to offenses like they're going out of a fashion or something. In my life, grudges do need to go out of fashion. Because you see, I have purpose in life. I have passion, and I don't want it to be continuously marred by hatred. Now I'm going to tell you something that may surprise you. I loathed myself. For years. For more years than I care to admit. The...