You are Beautiful!

+ J.M.J. When you look in the mirror everyday, what do you see? Let me describe for you my experience. Let me warn you that what you are about to read is a distortion of truth. Trick of Satan! I wake up and wander into the bathroom. I avoid looking at my reflection because, you know, I'm not beautiful. As I wash my face, I notice each blemish. I notice how much my nose sticks out. All the pores seem huge. Oh, and my face has irritation sometimes. I'm ugly. Not worthy. Undesirable. I put on makeup because, you know, I'm ugly. So I have to try to make some attempt to cover up all the ugliness. It won't help, but I'm supposed to put on makeup to be accepted in public. I carefully apply layers of makeup everywhere. I sigh, not satisfied, and walk out the door. Does this sound familiar? This is what happens to me all too often when I listen to Satan's lies. Sometimes, I don't recognize it's him. I just know that I feel terrible abou...