Hillary Clinton for President: What I Think

+ J.M.J. Photo credit: Elite Daily Oh hey! Stephanie's tackling a hot button issue! What a surprise! (Said no one ever). So! Hillary Clinton's running for president in the next campaign (did you know she also ran in 2008?) Save your groans or squeals of delight for a minute. Let's break this down. Potentially, we could have our first woman president. About time, right? I mean, we've never had one! Women should be able to govern the country too! And hey, then her husband would be the "first man!" How cool is that? All joking aside, I do think that a woman president wouldn't be a bad thing. Think about it. If you think she's not capable, think about how many people advise her. Think about the decisions she would make. While you're at it, think about the decisions she would make. Yes, I typed that twice on purpose. Here's what Hillary Clinton stands for that I see as problematic: Marriage "equality" Wome...