Movie Review: When the Game Stands Tall

+ J.M.J. On August 29th, I went to see When the Game Stands Tall with some friends. I'm so glad I did! Some highlights for me were the fact that it had Jim Caviezel in it, the message was superb, and the movie kept my interest although I am not a football fan (don't hate me). I first saw Jim Caviezel in The Passion of the Christ when he played Jesus. Watching this film, there were different moments when I kept thinking of him as Jesus just because that is what I associate him with as a result of the other movie. Nonetheless, he did a marvelous job as Coach Bob for the De La Salle Spartans. A thread weaving its way throughout this film was that of supporting each other and doing your best at all times. In a culture where looking out only for yourself is the popular practice, this healthy display of brotherhood in a football team was a refreshing reminder of how valuable friendships are. Also, the concept of doing your absolute best all the time instead of...