Amazing Grace

This life isn't perfect, but that goes without saying. We all have our trials and tribulations, but that doesn't make it any easier to know that everyone goes through them, does it? Thank goodness we have a God Who comforts us in our hardest moments, days, weeks, and months. Even years. Each challenging experience I've gone through, I think how can I survive this? But I do, every time. With the grace of God. With the amazing grace that He offers through His Son, Jesus Christ. I'd like to think that my hardships are over. Reality tells me this isn't so. And somehow, I don't want them to be over, because without hardships I couldn't strengthen my character, become a better person, and grow in Christ. That's what this life is about, I think. Drawing closer to Jesus and sharing in His passion in our own unique ways. Each amazing human being on this earth has his or her own cross to bear. How beautiful that is. It is mind boggling to me how Christ co...