Sometimes I'm Wrong

I have a lot of conversations with people online. I discuss things with people that I agree with and people that I disagree with. As long as we are all being polite, things are constructive and beneficial. What I have a problem with is when anyone is being nasty. Sometimes, I'm wrong. Sometimes I post something that I find out later was at least partially incorrect. When I find this out, I correct it. I let people know. I'll post a new article or post some new words about what I got wrong. Sometimes we are all wrong. None of us are right all of the time. We are all learning. The important thing is to stay open-minded, but not so open-minded that our brains fall out (G.K. Chesterton). In this climate, it is so important to look at sources both that we agree with and disagree with. Unfortunately, we can't just look at the sources that we cherry-picked as our favorites. In high school I learned that you need to look at both sides...