
In this liturgical season of Advent, I pause and reflect on the meaning of waiting. We are waiting for the celebration of the birth of Christ. As I wait for Jesus, I realize that He is the only One who can fulfill me. I am about to get married. December 29th of this year is the big day! Though I am so excited to start this new journey, I also know that my future husband cannot totally fulfill me. No matter how wonderful he is, he isn't God. Only God can fill the God-shaped hole in my heart. We wait our whole lives for the next thing, and then the next thing. We want to be done with school. Get a job. Meet someone special. Get married. Have kids. Buy a house. It goes on! We are always chasing something. And yet, we aren't fully satisfied by just that. Are we? That's because only God can fulfill you! Spend time with Him, and you will be rewarded by just knowing that no matter what, He is there for you. Here's to hoping that you can wait with joyful anticipation...