Can't Sit Still

For me, it is difficult to not have a full-time job. I got so used to working that now it is hard for me not to work. I know I should be using this time to be thankful for extra time to pray and relax, but this whole relaxing thing goes against my nature. Or does it really? I used to really enjoy relaxing. Then, somewhere along the line, I became addicted to work. Now I am trying to recover. Truly, I have much to keep me busy even without a job. Still, it is not the customary many hours spent sitting at a desk each day. I find myself loving the fact that I can grocery shop in the middle of the day on a weekday and there are way fewer people crowding the aisles. I love that it's easy for me to find the time to attend daily Mass. And yet, I'm restless. I'm hungry for something more. I am filling the void where my job used to be without tasks that need to be done. It is still not what I was used to doing. My job was a ministry. It is something I'm very passion...