Behold, I Make All Things New

+ J.M.J. In Krakow, Poland last summer, my fellow pilgrims and I walked through a torrential downpour with the largest rain buckets dropping on us I'd ever experienced. I looked at Melissa, my sister in Christ, and I said, just think. Jesus said, "Behold, I make all things new." I saw the rain as a sign that Christ was washing all old things away. She looked at me, sort of laughed, and we kept walking. And walking. And walking. Christ really does make all things new. When this year started, things were looking a bit bleak in my world. I did (and still do) have a boyfriend who cherishes me. However, the other areas of my life were a bit less than desirable. Within just a month's time, my entire life changed for the better. Christ lifted me up out of the ashes of despair and very deep severe chronic stress. He brought me to a new job and I was also blessed with the opportunity to move close to where I work. A month ago, things looked really dark....